Tuesday 17 January 2012

So, My first entry to my new blog. What can I say?

Firstly I must warn you I will ramble on about a load of crap, Probably about things others will think arecrazy or damn right pathetic.
I love to write and use my imagination, I role-play every single day, It's a way of releasing ideas that build up in my mind, it's a way of venting my frustration, especially with some of my more insane Characters. Its great fun. Creative writing, its all it is.

I will also warn you that my blog will consist of Doctor Who, John Simm, David Tennant, Sherlock, and conventions, also cosplay. Yes I am a geek, and I am so proud of that fact.

For now I think this will do, More blog entries to come in time, this one was written more so that I had an entry. lol. also proof that I talk shit.


  1. Hey - saw you on twitter and thought I'd check out your blog! I noticed that you're a John Simm fan but couldn't see you following him on twitter - you know he's on there?? (Or maybe I've gone Simm blind...LOL)

    Anyway, just wanted to say Hi to a fellow Simm Master fan! :-)

  2. And the answer is yes, I have Simm blindness... so just ignore that bit, OK?! *doh*
